Configuration & Customization    Getting-started

ajaxed can be fully configured to fit your individual application needs. The first thing to remember is that the configuration is placed in one folder called /ajaxedConfig/. After the installation you will find 3 files there:


Open that file and you will recognize some commented out configuration variables. These are the most common configurations. Uncomment those you want to use. This line changes the loading message of all ajax requests to "Hold on. I am working..."

AJAXED_LOADINGTEXT = "Hold on. I am working..."

List of configurations: Have a look into the ajaxed API to see what values can be configured. Those values can be found in every class definition in the "Initializations" section.


This file contains the XHTML which will be placed first in every page you create. It should contain all the general markup like e.g. html, body and it may contain custom markup which is needed by your application.

Lets have a look at the default header file:

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title><%= title %></title>
        <% ajaxedHeader(array()) %>

You see there is just the basic stuff. A doctype-, html- and body-tag. Chuck everything inside which you require for your app. One point to note is that the file is already prepared for UTF-8 ;)

Two things might be new for you. The first is the title variable and the second is the ajaxedHeader(array()) call. The first one is easy :) It holds the page title. The second is a request to load the necessary libraries for ajaxed to work (javascript libraries). If you need to know the details please refer to the API. For now remember: This call is a MUST!


Not much to say to the footer file. It contains all the markup which is placed last on the page. Just a quick hint: You could show the environment setting in the footer of your pages:

  <div><%= lib.env %></div>

ajaxed is fully flexible on structuring your pages. You can create different headers for different pages. You can even move the location of those files. Refer to the API for more details.

Posted in Getting-started 5902 days ago

Version 2.1.1 Released4233 days ago