version 2.0.1 released    Releases

Guys, a minor release is here for the end of the 2008. Most changes have been done for the Datatable class thanks to Danilo Peruš. He pointed out some bugs (which been fixed) and we implemented some of his great suggestions. See the changelog below.

Upgrading from v2.0 is no problem at all. Just overwrite the ajaxed core and you"ll be happy with its new improvements.

Please be so good and report any issues & feature requests at our
Google Project Issue list.

Changelog v 2.0.1


BUGFIX: when paging was on, then one record to less has been displayed.

BUGFIX: DatatableRow.number was not set correctly on paging. It was rested back to 1 on each page. Instead should be numbered continously over all pages

BUGFIX: Fulltextsearch used to highlight Markup (if any) within cells if the cells value matched the query and the query was found within the markup as well
- this required a new property "valueF" of DatatableColumn which contains the formatted value.

- backwards compatibility: if a cell has a onCreated Event then no fullsearchtext highlighting is done as the original value is passed through. clients need to change it to use valueF

function onCell(dt)
    onCell = dt.col.value
end function

'now (so fullsearch highlighting will work fine):
function onCell(dt)
    onCell = dt.col.valueF
end function

- added css classes to the paging bar. Next page link, currentpage, etc. all have classes now. makes them available for skinning as well

- added an "all" option in the paging bar which allows to show all data.

- added "attributes" to the DatatableRow class. E.g. you can hook up an onclick attribute to make whole rows clickable

- added a "recordLink" property which allows a quick creation of link per record.
- Placeholds for data values can be used. That allows linking to specific records
- DatatableColumn.enableLink property can be used to disable the link on specific columns


- added ajaxedPage.QSHas() and ajaxedPage.QST() as opposed to RFHas() and RFT(). They were missing so far.

Happy 2009!

Posted in Releases 5734 days ago

Version 2.1.1 Released4103 days ago